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  • Writer's pictureOmikins


I've been dealing with this chronic pain for about 5 months now, and it feels like forever. Everyday is different and I can barely keep track of what day it actually is. Doctor's have been treating me for Fibromyalgia. I just had my dosage increased to battle the pain better. Mentally, it has been rough. Some days I can barely handle simple things like sitting... yeah just sitting up is a battle. Fatigue is not fun - I've caught myself nodding off while cooking breakfast. The feeling of helplessness and being useless is really cutting me down. Anxiety is HIGH. So naturally they have recently given me something for that as well. I have some art that I'll be posting soon so keep an eye open for that!

Keeping my head up but just thought I'd give everyone an update on what is up.

Behave and live life with vigor :P Love you all! <3 ~~Omikins

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