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  • Writer's pictureOmikins

Catching up...

Hey Everyone,

So as far as my health goes I am doing better. I got to see an Endocrinologist last week and she talked me through some things, adjusted my meds and put in some papers to get devices that will make things easier for me. I am still trying to adjust to the constant needle sticking and getting my sugars stabilized. It's not easy. I struggle everyday with what food I can and cannot eat, calculating the carbs and sugars so I know how much insulin to take and getting past me anxiety with every 'high' number I see. I've been so focused on making sure I'm okay that I have neglected others to see how they are fairing. Everything has just been so overwhelming recently and I'm sorry if you feel I've distanced myself; that was not my intention. Also I haven't really drawn anything for the past month or so.

Until today.

I did some inking on some artcards to start off with because I didn't really feel confident in doing much else. Then my hands started to get shaky so I switched to my sketchbook for some loose doodling. The doodle evolved into an almost complete concept that I want to refine and take further, like maybe a print. This is just the rough concept I may change up colors and dimensions later, but I really like it and hope you do too.

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