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Yeti Butt

A very fuzzy little creature which resides in cold climates and caves. It is rather friendly and prefers to be around others. Adventurers tend to befriend them quite easily and often take them as companions. In the warming of the seasons they shed their fur which can be used make into yarn.



One of the most peculiar creatures to exist in the lands, its almost like its from another world. The Squiggly has baffled scholars for many years and there are still things to be discovered about them. The most prominent trait of the Squiggly is it's ability to morph into any shape. They can slip under the door, through a keyhole and through plumbing. Making them incredibly hard to keep around in any circumstance.



Mischievous and clever the Norte is a common Imp found across the lands. Their nature is to play tricks and tell jokes so they usually end up joining traveling troupes and carnivals. They won't admit it but have a soft spot for young children which also makes them good playful companions. Nortes do have a temper though when irritated but that tends to take a lot of effort, most just give up.



A dungeon dwelling creature made of a bright green gelatinous slime. Goobers are gluttons to their core and WILL consume almost anything if given the chance. In rare cases if left alone to act on their wills, Goobers have been known to grow to be as large a house. They don't often get the chance to become that large in the dungeons they are found in. Goobers are uncommon and only appear if specific conditions are met.



A Grubbin's body runs cold no matter what climate they're in. Which has made them a coveted slime to have around to keep food from spoiling. Leaders keep these slimes around in their kitchen because of this special trait. Although a Grubbin will suck the moisture out of anything if they requires sustenance. Making them quite dangerous if you don't keep them well watered.



The Spade also known as the 'Prophet Pup' is widely renowned for its short term foresight abilities. The many jewels on it's forehead although worthless to bi-pedals do signify it's foresights power. Color plays a large significance in its abilities as well. These creatures come in a variety of colors, horn shapes and count of jewels; making the Spade desired by collectors and royals.


Emo Butt

An extremely fuzzy little creature which resides in colder climates and ice caves. Typically they kept to themselves as they have a reclusive deposition, but do gather a few times a year to couple. They avoid contact with bi-pedals and more likely than not will take an aggressive stance if they feel threatened.



A very intelligent creature coveted by scholars as assistants. Most of inside their furry exterior is actually their brain. Don't let that seemingly cuddly looking body fool you; they are actually quite solid as their bones are made of something similar to marble. They like to adorn themselves with clothing and accessories to fit into society.



Always seen in pairs Puffluffs couple for life. They are seen around gardens of all types and it is said to be good luck if they choose your garden as their home. The variety of colors and antennae shapes are substantial as they can adapt to almost any climate. They've been known to seek out areas that are becoming barren with plant life to help restore the Eco-system.



The Grunge is the secret garbage keeper of larger civilizations. Leaders often keep Grunges in the sewers and waste heaps to keep things clean. They are incredibly friendly and surprisingly quite intelligent for a slime type creature. Unfortunately they are avoided due their eating habits and smell. A Grunge would make an excellent companion if their appetite wasn't so large. They would literally eat your whole home if hungry enough.



A Boogs is a spirit of sorts. No one is certain as to what exact kind of spirit a Boogs is but what is certain is their affinity for used tissues. They will possess a used tissue and play tricks on whoever happens to be near. Whatever is on the tissue becomes crystallized and depending on the type of remnant the crystals can become quite valuable. So while being quite a nuisance the Boogs is often welcomed.



Chad is rock sprite. Chad come in many shapes, sizes and colors. Chad is extremely docile and resilient. Chad like the simple life. Chad like potatoes and onions. Chad is friend.

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