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Coming from dry arid areas the Tulley is one of the most resilient plant creatures to roam the land. Their berries are highly nutritious. Adventurers are quite lucky to come across a Tulley in their travels especially if they are out of rations. Tulleys will not give up their berries without trial though. Typically a Tulley will produce a riddle for the adventurer to solve in order for the Tulley to decide if the adventurer is worthy.



It's poisonous spines can be launched from it's head in a means of protection from predators. The spines inflict a burning sensation where ever they make contact and the wounds are very susceptible to infection. Funnin come in a variety of colors but typically most take on a camouflage for their environment. They stick to the darker parts of the forests since they are solitary creatures.



As a night time creature a Nebbit scours the darkness for its prey with ultrasonic sound waves. These waves are emitted from its gems, not from its mouth. Its wing is more like a cape that helps it glide from tree to tree. Also its wing catches the waves that bounce back from its prey along with its ears to help pinpoint where it needs to go. They typically live in flocks of 3 to 5 Nebbits but the records show that those numbers can be 10 fold.



One of the most terrifying slime monsters in the land a Gore is no monster you want to mess with. Along with its frightful appearance it carries horrifyingly potent blood born diseases. Just one touch can cause anyone or anything to become violently ill making them an easy target for consumption. It's no secret what a Gore craves and what motivates them. A good indication if a Gore is near is a rusty smell in the air.



Each head's voice is different from one another. Together their singing is quite melodious which makes it widely adored by bi-pedals. They makes great companions and are often kept to keep pests away. The varied personalities of the heads can cause a bit of trouble, they're known to fight each other and cause severe wounds. They do tend to get jealous if one head get more pets than another.



A Rin is leftover light energy from spells of an ancient era that has come together and became a living being. They are very rare and haven't been seen in years. Mainly because of their dwellings being near impossible to access. It is unknown if they are aware or just run on instinct at this point. Not enough studies have been done, further inquiry must be had.



A Spike is incredibly friendly and loves to accompany wandering travelers. It is prone to going into giggle fits that mimic bi-pedal youth which can cause a bit of confusion. Mostly they are found in warmer climates but can survive anywhere there is a bit of water for them to sip. Their flowers appear in an array of colors, most commonly pink and yellow but there has been reports of Spikes with blue flowers. Just don't hug them.


Red Top

An extremely common forest dwelling creature. Red Tops can be found almost everywhere when looking on the forest floor. Even though they sport a vibrant red head, which in most cases would indicate that things are poisonous - a Red Top is not. It is actually quite harmless but can release irritating spores for those predators that plan to munch on them.



They don't look it but a Moema actually prefers to live in water. Their coat is waterproof, they have webbed feet and their eyes are specialized to see in murky waters and in dark places. Making them very adept night time hunters. They make burrows in the banks of rivers and lakes to nest in, but also as defense as they like to hoard small shiny objects that they find in the water. Small stones, shells and even lost gems...



Clearly not of this world... More information is needed.

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